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Free Beer

Submit a beer review, and if it gets published we’ll pay for your beer!

Beer Review Requirements:

  • 240+ words.
  • Original & Unique (can’t be published elsewhere).
  • Keep it positive. Constructive criticism is great, but there is too much great craft beer out there to dwell on the bad stuff.
  • At least 1 original photo.

Stories can be submitted by sharing a Google Doc with Information to include:

  • Title of your review.
  • You are encouraged to add a byline or short bio to your review. You can include links to your social media, web site, or whatever else you have going on.
  • Cost of your beer.

If your review gets published we’ll pay up to $10 of the cost of the beer. You agree to not duplicate the review anywhere else on the internet and Bines Media gains all rights to the content. You’re welcome to excerpt and promote it. We’ll let you know within seven days if you’re review will be published.


