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Beer Style: Lambic

Lambic beers are a unique style of beer that is brewed in Belgium, originating in the Pajottenland region. They are known for their sour and funky flavors, which are imparted by wild yeasts and bacteria that are present in the air in the region. Lambic beers are also typically fermented for a long period of time, often years, which further contributes to their complex flavor profile.

One of the things that makes lambic beers so unique is that they are spontaneously fermented. This means that the brewer does not add any cultivated yeast to the beer. Instead, the beer is allowed to ferment naturally with the wild yeasts and bacteria that are present in the air. This can lead to a very unpredictable fermentation process, but it also results in beers with a wide range of complex flavors.

Lambic beers are typically aged in oak barrels for a long period of time. This aging process helps to develop the beer’s flavor and complexity. They can be aged for anywhere from a few months to several years, adding additional complexity over time.

There are three main types of lambic beers: traditional lambic, gueuze, and fruit lambic.

  • Traditional lambic is the base beer from which all other lambic beers are made. It is a sour and funky beer that is typically aged for at least six months. Traditional lambic can be enjoyed on its own, but it is also often used to make other lambic beers, such as gueuze and fruit lambic. Faro is a young lambic beer that is typically aged for three to four months. Faro beers are typically less sour than other lambic beers, and they have a slightly sweet flavor.
  • Gueuze is a blend of young and old lambic beers. The young lambic beers provide the beer with its sourness, while the old lambic beers provide the beer with its complexity. Gueuze beers are typically aged for at least one year, and they can be aged for much longer.
  • Fruit lambic is a lambic beer that has been fermented with fresh fruit. This type of lambic beer is typically very sweet and sour, and it has a strong fruit flavor. Fruit lambics are typically aged for at least six months, but they can be aged for much longer. Kriek is a fruit lambic beer that is made with cherries. Kriek beers are typically very sweet and sour, and they have a strong cherry flavor.
Lindemans Kriek

Lambic beers are best served chilled in a tulip glass. This type of glass allows for the beer’s aroma to be fully appreciated. They can be enjoyed on their own, or they can be paired with food, and are often paired with seafood, cheese, and desserts.


